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Fees & Medicare Claims

Five White Street Surgery is a private-billing practice.  However, we do bulk bill some services, such as childhood immunisations and chronic disease management plans. Patients holding DVA Gold Card will not be charged for standard consultations. 


All other patients are required to pay a consultation fee. Payment is expected at the time of the consultation.

If there are any difficulties regarding this, please let reception know, so alternate arrangements can be made. EFTPOS, Credit Card (MasterCard and Visa), cash and cheques are all accepted. 

​For a full list of fees including long appointments and procedural consultations, please ask at reception. 


For patient convenience, we have installed Medicare Easyclaim. Medicare claims can be processed at the time of your consultation if you swipe your EFTPOS card. We will submit your claim to Medicare on your behalf and your refund will be deposited directly into the bank account attached to your EFTPOS card within minutes. 


Please note, Medicare rebates cannot be made to a credit card account. If you do not want to swipe your EFTPOS card, you will need to register your bank details with Medicare to get electronic refunds directly deposited into your bank account. If you have not registered and do not swipe your EFTPOS card, you will need to submit the relevant information to Medicare to make a claim. You will need to submit this claim either at a Medicare branch or online.



Privacy Policy

At Five White Street Surgery, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to maximize the services that we provide to you. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by you and adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles. Please read our privacy policy below carefully:

Reminder Systems

Preventative care is important to our practice. For the continuing management of our patient’s health we utilise a systematic reminder system to provide health promotion, preventative care and early detection of disease. Our surgery will remind only those patients who are regular patients at our practice.  We will seek your permission before placing you on our recall register.  We are able to remind you of due times for the following:


- Childhood and Adult Immunisations

- Pap Smears

- Implanon and IUD replacement dates

- Contraceptive Injection dates

- Annual Medical Health Checks

- Flu vaccinations (if requested)


If you wish to opt out of this service please advise reception staff or your doctor.


Medical Records Transfer

Our practice follows the guidelines of the RACGP’s Handbook for the management of health information in general practice, 3rd edition (the Handbook). The Handbook incorporates federal and state privacy legislation, and the Australian Privacy Principles, which requires that your personal information is kept private and secure. Medical records are able to be transferred to and from Five White Street Surgery.  However in order to comply with the Privacy Act, patients are required to sign a release form. It would be helpful if the doctor, to whom the records are going, stipulates which information is required to reduce the amount of unnecessary copying. 


There is a $30.00 charge for searching, printing and or copying of records that we send to another medical practice. A set rate of $50 applies when 2 or more records are being requested for the same family.


For further information regarding accessing your medical information, or to request a copy of our Privacy Policy, or click the link above.

After-Hours Care

Five White Street Surgery offers appointments from 8am until 5:30pm Monday to Friday as well as Saturday mornings. Please contact the practice for information on after-hours care.


Patients requiring after-hours home visit, please call the Sydney Medical Service on (02) 87246300. When the surgery is not attended and you need an after-hours consultation, we recommend you attend: The Accident and Emergency Department Sutherland Hospital, The Kingsway, Caringbah. Ph: (02) 9540 7111 


The Australian Government also provides a free after hours helpline for when your GP is not available. More information can be found at the Health Direct website.


Feedback / Complaints


Staff members of Five White Street Surgery are here to help you.  If you are unhappy with any aspect of your attention and care, please do not hesitate relaying these concerns to a staff member.  Your concern will be taken seriously, as we are always looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the practice.


If you were unhappy for any reason or have a suggestion for areas of improvement please contact the practice, alternatively we have a suggestion box in our waiting room. Our Practice Manager is very willing to assist you with any concerns which you may have.


Her contact details are as follows:


Ms Katherine Lara

Practice Manager

Five White Street Surgery

5 White Street

Jannali NSW 2226

Ph: 02 95285266


If you feel that your concerns aren't being addressed by the practice, the contact details for the Health Care Complaints Commission are below:


Health Care Complaints Commission

Ph: (02) 9219 7444 Toll Free in NSW 1800 043 159

TTY service for the hearing impaired: (02) 9219 7555

Fax: (02) 9281 4585 Email:

Post address: Locked Mail Bag 18 STRAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012 

(02) 9528 5266

©2022 by Five White Street Surgery. 

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