COVID-19 Information
Five White Street Surgery is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all patients and staff. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time and hope to provide you with the same high level of care that you have come to know from our practice. We are here to help and have temporarily changed our service model to better manage your healthcare needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you are worried about symptoms of COVID-19 or any other type of health problem, our GPs are still on hand to answer your questions and provide care. We encourage you to continue consulting your regular GP for any health matter. Safe face-to-face consultations or Telehealth appointments are available for eligible patients.
From the Department of Health and Human Services:
Who should get tested?
If you have any of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, you should seek advice and get tested. People with no symptoms can also be tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) in very specific circumstances:
if they are a close contact exposed to someone known to have coronavirus (COVID-19)
as part of an outbreak investigation and response by the Department of Health and Human Services
if they are a returned international traveller
if they are due to have surgery or a planned hospital stay
if they are part of a targeted testing program across an industry or group.
If you have any of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, you should seek advice and get tested.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms to watch out for are:
Chills or sweats
Sore throat
Shortness of breath
Runny nose
Loss or change in sense of smell or taste.
In certain circumstances headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may also be considered.
What if I feel tired or fatigued?
Feeling tired or fatigued is common during many illnesses, including coronavirus (COVID-19). If you are feeling tired and have any of the symptoms above, you should get further advice about testing for coronavirus (COVID-19).
Why should I get tested?
Diagnosing coronavirus (COVID-19) early, even when symptoms are mild, helps us to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Testing helps us track the spread of the virus and keep our families and communities safe.
Getting tested means that you can take informed action to protect yourself and your loved ones. You will be doing your part to protect all Victorians.
I have symptoms. When should I get tested?
As soon as you have any of the symptoms, however mild, get tested as soon as you can, preferably that same day.
Booking an Appointment
You can make an appointment online or by calling reception during business hours on 02 95285266. Before booking or attending an appointment, you MUST CALL and ADVISE us if you have symptoms or risk factors for COVID-19.
If you have symptoms or risk factors for COVID-19 OR if you have fever or flu-like respiratory symptoms you will FIRST be offered an appointment at a Respiratory Clinic or testing centre. Once you have been seen and have received a negative COVID-19 result, a Telehealth phone consultation with one of our GPs can be arranged. During this phone consultation our GP will assess and provide you with further advice.
If you need urgent medical care always call Emergency 000 (Triple Zero).
Attending Five White Street Surgery
Patients and visitors are encouraged to wear a face mask and perform hand hygiene by sanitising their hands on arrival. All patients must check-in at reception on arrival. Routine screening questions will be asked when you book or attend an appointment.
For up to date information on COVID-19 please visit the links below.
Australian Government Department of Health
Emotional Support
Lifeline (24/7) 13 11 14
Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. Find out how these services can help you, a friend or loved one.
Beyond Blue (24/7) 1300 22 4636
We all have good days and bad days. Then there are those days when something isn't quite right, you've got something on your mind, or things just seem too much. Whatever it may be, sharing the load with someone else can really help. So no matter who you are, or how you're feeling, you can talk it through with us – we'll point you in the right direction so you can seek further support.
Friendline 1800 424 287
FriendLine is for anyone who needs to reconnect or just wants a chat.
Kids Helpline (24/7) 1800 551 800
Anytime, Any reason. Kids up to 25.
Suicide Call Back Line (24/7 1800 659 467)
Family Violence Help Line (24/7) 1800 737 732
Mensline 1300 789 978